Monday, March 1, 2010

*insert a very pretty picture of yourself here*

Blogger is being a bitch cause it wont let me upload a pretty picture :( , anyways its nearly 11 oclock and I still havent had my bath how kewl it that ? :B Planning on taking a bath soon then doze off terus . Anyways anyways anyways , what have I been doing todayy ,

I went to school . So everything is pretty much the usual . So ! had tuition at 4 with Hazwani as usual , went to makbul after that with Iman and Fadhli , talk talk talk talk talk talk , they all had to go home after that . Since it was raining and I was supposed to walk home , I joint Mia , Miera , Hakim and Mel at the other table.

Im tired , Im sleepy and I wanna take a bath . Bye .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the blogger won't let you upload the picture because maybe it's too heavy (Mb) or it's got another format.